Monday 11 January 2016

                                                      What is a Title Sequences?      
A title sequence is the opportunity to make a good first impression on the viewer, as well as introduction of the cast and the theme.

The different types of title sequence are; prologue, discrete, narrative.

Prologue: A prologue is when the title Sequence tells the back story, Origin story or the history of either how the character developed or how the events happened, this can be portrayed through Flashback. An example of the prologue title sequence is The incredible Hulk (2008) directed by Louis Leterrier. Also, the Watchmen(2009), directed by Zack Snyder.

Discrete: Discrete title sequence is separately edited sequence which is separated from the film, it is  a prior of the film to get the audience into the mood of the film. For example Se7ven.

Narrative: Narrative title sequence is when the title sequence comes together along with the narrative of the storyline. For example; The Shining.

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