Sunday, 10 April 2016

                                                              Sub- Genre
The thriller genre is split into different sub-genre to describe the different type of thriller.

The different types of Thriller Genre are:

  1. Psychological
  2. Political
  3. Crime 
  4. Spy                      
Psychological Thriller - this thriller emphasizes the emotional and psychological state of the characters. It also plays in audience's mind using enigma which creates suspense in the film. Characters often fight with their own mind; tying to find who they really are, and sometimes they are forced to death, deal with others death or fake their own death. Common elements can include stock characters such as serial killer and detectives.

Themes of psychological Thriller: 

  • Mind
  • Identity
  • Death
  • Reality
  • Existence/purpose 
  • Perception 
Shutter Island is an example of Sub-genre film. This film was released in 2010 and directed by Martin Scorsese. This film was based on a novel. This movie is about "Tedder" investigating on psychiatric facility in Shutter Island. 


Political- This is a thriller that set a backdrop of political power struggle. They are usually designed to give political power to the protagonist or the protagonist already has the power but the antagonist tries to destroy it. They can involve nation and international political scenario.Political thrillers can be based on true facts such as the assassination of John F. Kennedy or the Watergate Scandal. There is a strong overlap with the conspiracy thriller.  
The common theme of political sub-genre can be political corruption,terrorism & warfare.
Image of The Ides of March Image of The Ghost
This are the two examples of Political Thriller. 'The IDES OF MARCH' and 'GHOST WRITER'. THE IDES OF MARCH is the 2011 film, directed by George Clooney. Ghost writer is the 2010 film, directed by Roman Polanski.

Crime- Crime thrillers focuses on the criminals of the crime rather then the actual law. The main topics of crime thrillers are often about murder, killers, heists and robberies. 
 The Dark Knight  is the 2008 film, directed by Christopher Nolan. 

Spy-  Spy thriller is considered as being a sub-genre of both action and thriller. Spy thriller usually focuses on the main protagonist adventure, escapism and revenge. This consist of activities of government  agencies as main plot.

 SPECTRE is the 2015 film directed by Sam Mendes.

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